Ethno-cultural and social problems of a students in a multicultural educational environment
Proceedings of The World Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
Year: 2019
Ethno-cultural and social problems of a students in a multicultural educational environment
Ekaterina Ivanova, Julia Doncheva
The publication traces some of the problems – social and educational, related to their ethnic and interethnic dimensions. Statistics are presented and their characteristics are analysed. Lately, the realities in the social and educational spheres have been one of the most discussed topics, it is working, but the results, as we wish them to be, and should be, have been extremely slow. Undoubtedly, the modern world is increasingly globalized – states, nations, ethnicities are in increasing economic, political, scientific and cultural interdependence. But paradoxically, with the tendency towards global homogenization, the old enmities and hatred of one ethnic group are being revived. It turns out that today, with globalization defining a fundamentally new way of forming relationships in the world associated with the disappearance of all borders, at the group level, there are processes of closure in which ethnic identification is crucial. This would be good if we are talking about preserving everyday life, culture, identity and uniqueness, but not when it comes to mistrust, misunderstanding, conflict, and even to xenophobic attitudes. In this regard, Bulgaria as part of Europe is no exception, migration waves are not avoiding us, they are part of our reality.
Keywords:discrimination; ethnic group; globalization; identification; migration;

Ekaterina Ivanova
PhD Student, University of Ruse ‘Angel Kanchev’, Bulgaria

Julia Doncheva
PhD, Assoc. Prof., University of Ruse ‘Angel Kanchev’, Bulgaria