Conference Speakers

Keynote Speaker

education conference

Dr. Anahita Movassagh Riegler

Murdoch University, Australia

Presentation Topic: The Evolution of Teaching

Dr. Anahita Movassagh Riegler is a Senior Lecturer at Murdoch University’s School of Law and Criminology and the Associate Dean of Learning and Teaching (ADLT) of Criminology. Her research interests are diverse, including law and society, domestic violence, human trafficking, and innovative teaching and learning methods.
With a rich academic background in law and criminology across common law, civil law, and Sharia law systems, Dr. Riegler brings diverse insights to her teaching and research. This year, she received the College Teaching Excellence Award and the Vice Chancellor’s Excellence in Learning and Teaching Award, adding to her list of accolades.

Highlighted Speakers

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Prof Dr. Te-Sheng Chang

Prof Dr. Te-Sheng Chang is a Full Professor at the Department of Education and Human Potentials Development at National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan. He received a Ph.D. in Educational Research from the University of North Texas. His primary research has focused on educational psychology, college teaching and learning, interdisciplinary learning, gender education, and LGBT education. He is the principal investigator of multiple federally funded landmark studies, including LGBT health, gender and sexuality education, and social attitudes toward LGBT people. Dr. Chang is the author of special issues in publications in leading journals, such as Higher Education, LGBT Health, and Educational Gerontology. Dr. Chang is also a recipient of the Fulbright Scholarship of 2015.

education conference

Associate Professor. Mayra L. Fuentes

Associate Professor. Mayra L. Fuentes received her bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Arlington with a focus on International Business and a minor in Spanish. Her master’s degree is in Education with an emphasis on Higher Education from Dallas Baptist University. She completed her doctoral degree from Texas A&M University-Commerce in Higher Education. She obtained her certification to teach in the state of Texas from the Education Career Alternative Programs. She served as a bilingual teacher in K-4 and as a Spanish teacher in the 6-12th grade levels. She is currently serving as an Associate Professor of Spanish at Tarrant County College. Dr. Fuentes’ research interests include the Latino student population, especially at the higher education level, and culturally responsive pedagogy (teaching and leadership). Dr. Fuentes is an advocate for education and believes in the theory of service learning to enhance the academic success of her students and the community.

education conference

Associate Professor. Alejandro Garza

Alejandro Garza, Associate Professor of Spanish, is originally from Monterrey, México. He completed his bachelor’s and two master’s degrees at Texas State University in San Marcos and attended graduate school at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. Presently, he is pursuing a Ph.D. in Higher Education at the University of North Texas. He has taught Spanish as a second language in Canada, Spain, Costa Rica, and the United States. His research focuses on study abroad programs for Mexican/Mexican American male students in community colleges. Alejandro has received awards and nominations from his institution (TCC) and the state of Texas.

education conference

Dr. Zlata Tomljenović

Dr. Zlata Tomljenović, Ph.D., Associate Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Education, University of Rijeka, Croatia. Master’s degree in Restoration and Conservation (Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana, Slovenia). Doctorate in Arts Education (Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia). Her research focuses on general and subject-specific competences of student teachers and teachers, interactive teaching and learning strategies, transformative learning and teaching, and professional development in visual arts education. She has published in these areas in academic journals nationally and internationally. She also participates in exhibitions and art symposia nationally and internationally.

education conference

Prof. Dr. Alba García Martínez

Prof. Dr. Alba García Martínez, also known artistically as Alba Refulgente, is an artist and educator from Badalona, near Barcelona. She holds a Fine Arts degree and a Master’s in Contemporary Artistic Creation from the University of Barcelona, both with honors. Her doctoral thesis, Critical Games: Play as a Means of Artistic Creation, earned a Cum Laude distinction. Alba has lectured internationally, published indexed articles, and curated award-winning exhibitions. Her artistic work with recycled toys, ceramics, and resins explores relationships with everyday objects, earning her multiple national awards and permanent installations in spaces across Spain and China.

Prof. DR. Luis J. Benítez Barajas

Prof. DR. Luis J. Benítez Barajas is a PhD and professor at the National Polytechnic Institute, Mexico. Specialized in philosophy from Harvard and Oxford University, in social anthropology from Glasgow University, and in written language and cultural heritage from Munich and Aachen Universities. His research lines move between philology, epistemology and educational Physics. Speaker at international conferences, topics, “Structured Rational Thinking to learn real Cases” and “the Case method to learn disciplinary principles”. Member of the American Association of Physics Teachers.

Dr. Chun Zhang

Dr. Chun Zhang is a full professor at the Division of Curriculum and Teaching, Graduate School of Education, Fordham University. She was a Fulbright scholar in 2003. Her research focuses on early prevention and intervention of developmental delays and disabilities for young children birth to age eight and family-professional partnerships and collaboration. Dr. Zhang’s publications include topics on childrearing and parenting differences of immigrant, culturally and linguistically diverse families, and on preparing educators to be culturally competent in supporting young children and families from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in urban settings. She has also secured multi million dollars of funding from the U.S. Department of Education in training early childhood special education teachers in cross-cultural competence and in enhancing teacher effectiveness.

Mr. Jesús González Hernández

Mr. Jesús González Hernández has been an Instructor of Spanish at Tarrant County College since 2015. He earned an A.A.S. in Micro-manufacturing Technology and a certificate in Real Estate from Tarrant County College, a B.A. in Spanish with an English minor from the University of Texas at Arlington, and an M.A. in Spanish Literature from the University of North Texas. His research interests include contemporary Mexican literature, outdoor learning environments, and the integration of authentic music and film into Spanish language instruction. He has presented his work at conferences in Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and at numerous universities across the United States

Past Speakers

Dr. Theodora Papatheodorou

Norland College (Editor-in-Chief, Norland Educare Research Journal) & Bright Start Foundation (Research Development and Impact Manager)

education conference

Presentation Topic: Relational pedagogy and its educative power

Dr. Theodora Papatheodorou, PhD, a senior academic and researcher, is the Research Fellow and Manager at Norland Institution. Previously, Theodora served as the early childhood education and care adviser at Save the Children UK working in Sub-Saharan, Southeast Asian and South American countries, and conducted consultancy for UNICEF in Tanzania, Kosovo and Rwanda. Prior to this, she was Director of Research and Professor of Early Childhood at Anglia Ruskin University and held several posts in different universities in the UK and overseas for over 15 years.

Theodora has conducted several research focusing on pedagogy, early childhood education, and teaching and learning in higher education. Her latest research focuses on autism among very young children, and home-based educare, while relational pedagogy remains central to her work. She co-edited (with Janet Moyles) the first book on relational pedagogies, titled ‘Learning Together in the Early Years. Exploring relational pedagogy’ (published by Routledge in 2009) and recently conducted an annotated bibliography on ‘Relational Pedagogies in Early Childhood Education’ on behalf of Oxford Annotated Bibliographies. Theodora has a long-standing commitment to equity and equality in education to promote and achieving educational and social inclusion, and justice.

Dr. Kumiko Aoki

Open University of Japan

education conference

Presentation Topic: Building Digital Communities: Leveraging the Metaverse for Enhanced Sense of Belonging in Distance Education

Dr. Kumiko Aoki is the Professor of Informatics at the Open University of Japan (OUJ). Since receiving her Ph.D. in Communication and Information Sciences(CIS)from the University of Hawaii, she was Assistant Professor of Information Technology at Rochester Institute of Technology (1995-1998) and Assistant Professor of Communication at Boston University (1998-2003).
After her return to her home country, Japan, in January 2004, she was a faculty member of the National Institute of Multimedia Education (NIME) in Chiba, Japan, where she specialized in research on the use of ICT in higher education. She was also a faculty member of the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI) until NIME was integrated into the Open University of Japan (OUJ) in April 2009.

She has been passionate about making teaching and learning open and flexible with the use of ICT and teaches digital media, social informatics, and e-learning. She has also been the instigator in promoting asynchronous and synchronous online education at OUJ. Her recent research interest is the effective use of AI in lifelong and life-wide learning.

education conference

Dr. Sara Buttsworth

Session Chair

Dr. Sara Buttsworth teaches at the University of Auckland in the Tertiary Foundations Certificate and Arts Scholars programmes. Sara’s work is interdisciplinary with focus on popular-culture, fairy tales, war and gender, and anything that excites students! Publications include: Restaging War in the Western world. Noncombatant experiences 1890s – today; Monsters in the Mirror. Representations of Nazism in post-war popular culture; War, Myths and Fairy Tales.

education conference

Dr. Egle Säre

Dr. Egle Säre (PhD) is a Lecturer of Educational Sciences at the Institute of Education of the University of Tartu. Her research areas are related to the pedagogics and teachers’ professional development. She is interested in examining how to develop students´ verbal reasoning skills by implementing questioning techniques during philosophical group discussions according to the program Philosophy for Children (P4C).

education conference


Dr. Pál Iván SZONTAGH PhD. Teacher (ELTE TFK, 1997), historian (PTE BTK, 2001), educational leader (BME GTK, 2002), PhD in law (KRE ÁJK, 2018). Director of the Reformed Pedagogical Institute and college professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Károli University (KRE PK). Editor-in-chief of the pedagogical journal Hungarian Reformed Education. Member of the WORLDTE Conference Scientific Committee and the International Scientific Program Board The International Scientific Program Board International Scientific Program Board of the World Conference for Religious Dialogue and Cooperation.

education conference

Dr. Jeffrey M. Byford

Dr. Jeffrey M. Byford is a Professor of Social Studies Education at the University of Memphis, USA. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Byford’s research interests include differentiated instructional strategies, Cold War education research, design, and curricula.

education conference

Dr. Susannah Brown

Dr. Susannah Brown, Professor, Art Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, works with all ages to inspire academic excellence and a commitment to the community through arts engagement for over thirty years. She has published book chapters, scholarly articles, and textbooks, which all incorporate creative engagement activities in teaching practice.

education conference

Dr. Othman Abu Khurma

Dr. Othman Abu Khurma, a passionate science educator with a Ph.D. in Science Education and certifications in educational assessment (NCFE/UK, CACHE/UK, ACTVET/UAE), leverages 18 years of experience across Jordan and the GCC to develop engaging teaching materials and lead STEM training programs for postgraduate programs. Currently, he serves as an Assistant Professor of Science Education at the Emirates College for Advanced Education, specializing in Teaching Physics and inquiry-based learning and curriculum development

education conference

Dr. Alisha Milam

Dr. Alisha Milam, Ed.D is an Assistant Professor of Secondary Education at Mississippi State University (Meridian). Dr. Milam received her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on secondary social studies education from the University of Memphis in Memphis, TN. Her research interests include disciplinary literacies- especially the social sciences, constructivist pedagogy, and the cognitive component of knowledge construction regarding student learning- particularly in secondary schools.

education conference

Dr. Karen Kar Lin HOR

Dr. Karen Kar Lin HOR obtained her PhD from Nanyang Technological University (NTU, Singapore) in Education. She is an Assistant Director at the Centre for Applied Research (CFAR) at the Singapore University of Social Sciences. An Excellent Teaching awardee with research interests in creativity, qualitative research methods (especially phenomenography), and education.

education conference

Dr. Susan Gay Wemette

Dr. Susan Gay Wemette is the Director of Arts Integration and Creativity at the Center for Creative Education in West Palm Beach, Florida. She holds a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction, an MFA in Acting, and a BFA in Theatre. In 2008, Dr. Wemette co-founded Blue Planet Global Education, a non-profit dedicated to guiding teachers in utilizing arts-integrated international collaborations for teaching both global competence and core curriculum.

education conference

Dr. David Murphy

Dr. David Murphy is a Senior Lecturer at Simon Fraser University (SFU), with a PhD in curriculum and pedagogy from University of British Columbia (UBC). His research and teaching are on media production as a pedagogical practice of literacy. With a background in sound design, music, and acoustic ecology, David emphasises listening as foundational to his approach to teaching and learning.

Assoc. Prof. Esimone, Chinyere Celestina

Esimone, Chinyere Celestina is an Associate Professor of Music Pedagogy, A lecturer/Researcher in the Department of Music of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. She is presently the Director of the Joint University Preliminary Examination Board of her University (JUPEB), as well as researching various works in her area and beyond. Her special interest is Early Childhood Education. She is a recipient of the Best Paper Presenter Award at a Clute Institute International Conference held in Las Vegas U.S.A.

education conference

Dr. Babalwa Kafu-Quvane

Dr. Babalwa Kafu-Quvane serves as a Lecturer within the Faculty of Education at the University of Fort Hare, situated in the southern region of Africa, specifically South
Africa. With a career spanning half her lifetime, she holds both a Masters and PhD in Educational Management and Leadership Policy. Her academic pursuits center around Climate Change Education and ICT in Education. Dr. Kafu-Quvane’s research contributions have been disseminated through peer-reviewed academic journals, and she has also showcased her work at esteemed academic gatherings such as EDULEARN 19, EDULEARN 21, and EDULEARN 23 (International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies)

Prof. Dr. Sylvia

Prof. Dr. Sylvia is an Associate Professor with Singapore University of Social Sciences. Her research interests are inter‐disciplinary, covering both substantive and methodological approaches. Research areas include Identity and epistemology (Self‐efficacy, beliefs about teaching & learning), Evaluation (Instrument development & validation, quantitative analysis & reasoning, qualitative coding & categories) and Learning analytics (trends & patterns).

Prof. Isaac Buabeng

Prof. Isaac Buabeng is a distinguished educator in the field of science education at the Department of Basic Education, University of Cape Coast. His extensive research interests
span innovative approaches to science teaching, particularly at the primary and secondary levels.
Additionally, he has delved into the realm of authentic assessment in Early Childhood Education. As part of his doctoral research, Prof. Buabeng meticulously investigated the teaching and learning of physics within the context of New Zealand senior high schools. Notably, one of his significant projects focused on understanding female students’ participation and interest in STEM education at both the senior high school and tertiary levels in Ghana.
With research experience spanning both Ghana and New Zealand, Prof. Buabeng has authored and published several articles in referred journals. His scholarly contributions aim to advance science education and foster inclusivity in STEM education. Through his work, Prof. Buabeng plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of science education and promoting equitable opportunities for all learners.

education conference

Ms. Weiyan Ma

Ms. Weiyan Ma, a recent double-degree graduate with Master’s degrees in Education and International Business from the University of Melbourne, is passionate about education. She excels in tailoring teaching methods to diverse learning styles and fostering critical thinking. Her interests include effective communication in education and community engagement for social impact.

education conference

MSC. Liliana Valle Zapata

MSC. Liliana Valle Zapata is a full-time English teacher at the University of Cordoba in Montería, Colombia, and works for the Foreign Languages Department. She teaches at the ELT Undergraduate and Master Programs from this University and holds a Modern Languages degree and a master’s degree in education with emphasis in English. She has conducted and tutored many research projects in the field of English Language Teaching. She has 23 years of teaching experience at higher education institutions in Colombia and she has been the Foreign Languages Department Chief several times. She has wide experience in implementing teacher development projects for elementary and high school teachers for the Ministry of Education and The British Council in Cordoba. She has also written several books in the field.

MSC. Liliana Valle Zapata is a full-time English teacher at the University of Cordoba in Montería, Colombia, and works for the Foreign Languages Department. She teaches at the ELT Undergraduate and Master Programs from this University and holds a Modern Languages degree and a master’s degree in education with emphasis in English. She has conducted and tutored many research projects in the field of English Language Teaching. She has 23 years of teaching experience at higher education institutions in Colombia and she has been the Foreign Languages Department Chief several times. She has wide experience in implementing teacher development projects for elementary and high school teachers for the Ministry of Education and The British Council in Cordoba. She has also written several books in the field.

education conference

Mr. Currey Michael Zalman

Mr. Currey Michael Zalman, a B.S. in Biochemistry graduate from the University of Nebraska, currently pursues an M.D. at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. As a medical student and Clinical Educator at EMET, Zalman focuses on medical school education. Noteworthy accolades include the Nebraska INBRE Undergraduate Travel Award and the MSSRP Scholarship Grant.

education conference

Mr. Nathan Burns

Mr. Nathan Burns has been a PhD student at the University of Strathclyde since 2020 when he was awarded the Bennett Scholarship to fund his research. He studies the statistical relationships between students’ contextual backgrounds and their outcomes at higher education, with a focus on regression, survival, and prediction methods

Ms. Buket Kara

Ms. Buket Kara holds a bachelor’s degree in English Language Teaching from Middle East Technical University and in International Relations from Anadolu University, both located in Turkey. She is presently working towards her master’s degree in ELT at Başkent University. With seven years of teaching experience, currently she works as an instructor and coordinator at Ankara Medipol University, Turkey. Her professional interests are 21st-century skills, especially critical thinking skills. She has done workshops on enhancing critical thinking skills among English language learners.


Mr. Daniel Forgrave

Mr. Daniel Forgrave (MEd, BA) is a Writing Specialist and the Writing Centre Director at the University of Calgary in Qatar. His interests include student engagement and motivation, feedback, and academic literacy. He was awarded a Teaching Award from the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning at the University of Calgary, Canada in 2020

Ms. Consuelo Soto Allende

Ms. Consuelo Soto Allende (MEd, BA) is a Music teacher and educational researcher. BA in Musical Performance and
Teaching by University of Talca and MA in Educational Research by University of Chile. Her main areas of interest are related to the study of executive functions and metacognition in teachers and the construction of high-quality multiple-choice items.

Mrs. Julia Cipriano

Mrs. Julia Cipriano recently graduated (BA) from the Pforzheimer Honors College at Pace University for Psychology and is currently a Master of Arts (MA) student there. She is interested in trauma and the mental and physical effects of traumatic experiences.

MSC. Ricardo Fitas

MSC. Ricardo Fitas is a Mechanical Engineer and PhD candidate at the Technical University of Darmstadt. Their scientific interests include data engineering, bias in education, and artificial intelligence. They have research experience at the University of Porto, RWTH Aachen University, and the Technical University of Munich.

Mr. Farhad Majeed Hama

Mr. Farhad Majeed Hama is PhD studentAdam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Polandat and he is an Assistant Lecturer at the University of Sulaimani, College of Basic Education, English Department, where he has made scholarly contributions since 2012. Holding a Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics and TESOL from Newcastle University, his thesis investigated English vocabulary learning strategies among Kurdish EFL students. Hama’s academic achievements include a scholarship from the Iraqi Government and graduating as the second-highest achiever in his Bachelor of Education in English Language from the University of Sulaimanyah. His research interests encompass English as a medium of instruction, teacher corrective feedback, and discourse markers in language learning. Beyond teaching, Hama has served in administrative roles such as Deputy Head and Pedagogical Supervisor, participated in quality assurance and scientific committees, and engaged with the community as a legal translator and science teacher trainer. With extensive experience instructing English language, literature, and applied linguistics courses, Hama’s work reflects a dedication to advancing language education and scholarly pursuits.

education conference

Dr. Ali Kemal Tekin

Western Norway University

Presentation Title: Current Challenges and Future Directions in  Early Childhood Education Research

Dr. Ali Kemal Tekin is a professor and an international expert in the field of Early Childhood Education (ECE). He holds Masters and Ph.D. degrees from The Pennsylvania State University. He is an active researcher and has numerous publications and conference appearances and keynote speeches at international level over 30 countries. His research interests include family involvement, program development, early bilingual education, assessment & evaluation in ECE,motivation, and efficacy of ECE teachers, ECE development and policy, and play. He also serves international organizations such as UNESCO and NAEYC. Dr. Tekin is the current Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Early Childhood (IJEC) – the official publication of the World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP). Dr. Tekin is also a strong advocate for Child Rights.

education conference

Assistant professor Mark deBoer

Akita International University, Akita, Japan

Presentation Title: Assessment in Content and Language Integrated Learning with Multimodality

Assistant professor Mark deBoer is currently working at Akita International University in Akita, Japan. He holds degrees in Biology and Chemistry from York University, Toronto, Canada. He holds a Masters degree from the University of Birmingham, UK., and is a doctoral candidate at the Universidad de Jaén, Spain. He is an active researcher and educator and has numerous publications and conference appearances in over 15 countries. He has taught in Japan for over 20 years and has extensive experience in ICT and program development. He has also taught in Spain and is involved in collaborative research with countries throughout Europe and Asia. His research interests include CLIL, assessment, and teacher-training He is a co-editor of the recent volume Assessment and learning in content and language integrated learning (CLIL) classrooms: Approaches and conceptualisations. He is the chief editor of the Asian CLIL Journal.

Jeffrey M. Byford

Dr. Haitham Solh

Dr. Haitham Solh has been working in the field of education for the past 25 years. He has a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education from Louisiana State University, and has been working as a Mathematics Professor at the American University in Dubai for the past 14 years. His accolades include the Asian Education Leadership Awards in 2019, and the President’s Teaching Excellence Awards in 2021. He is passionate about educational technology, and is a fitness enthusiast and an amateur runner.

education conference

Assoc. Prof. Richard Miles

Assoc. Prof. Richard Miles is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Global Liberal Studies at Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan. He has a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from Macquarie University. His research interests include all forms of action research, teacher education, teacher training, and anything related to rhetoric.

Dr. Pimmanee Rattanawicha

Dr. Pimmanee Rattanawicha is an Assistant Professor at Chulalongkorn Business School, Thailand. She holds a Doctorate of Technical Science in Information Management from Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. Her research interests include E-Commerce and Human-Computer Interaction. She is a recipient of Chulalongkorn University’s Excellent Teacher Award in 2020, and Chulalongkorn University’s Reputable Research Group Award in 2022.

Dr. Juyoung LEE

Dr. Juyoung LEE is Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature Studies at BNU-HKBU United International College. She received her PhD in Linguistics and TESOL from the University of Texas at Arlington, USA. Her research interests include second language acquisition, technology use in higher education, computer-assisted language learning and ESL/EFL teacher education.

Dr. Pragasit Sitthitikul

Dr. Pragasit Sitthitikul is a full-time lecturer at the Language Institute, Thammasat University in Thailand. He earned a doctorate in Language and Literacy Studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. His areas of interest include Second Language Literacy, Cognitive and Sociocultural Factors in Second Language Learning, and Intercultural Issues in Second Language Learning.

Prof. Enric Ortega Torres

Prof. Enric Ortega Torres is a professor of Researcher at University of Valencia – Teaacher training faculty. His main interests are Science Education and the distance between research and praxis. He is working on a project called “Influential factors in the learning of sciences of the teachers in training. Actions to improve the design of high cognitive level tasks”. He gained the award of Extraordinary Doctorate Award in University of Valencia in 2021 for the best Thesis on Education and the awards of best researcher at Florida Universitaria (Valencia-Spain) on years 2020-2021-2022.

Dr. Linda Torresin

Dr. Linda Torresin (PhD) is a Marie Curie–Seal of Excellence Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Padua. Currently she is also a Visiting Researcher at Vilnius University. With major expertise in RFL (Russian as a Foreign Language) studies, her main research focus lies in intercultural education and textbook theory (
Since December 2022, she has coordinated the interuniversity research group “RiDRU”–Research on Teaching Russian at University (

education conference

Ms. Noora Shuaib

Ms. Noora Shuaib is an MSc in Education candidate at the University of Oxford and Research Fellow at New York University Abu Dhabi. Certified in the Scholarship of Educational Leadership, Curriculum, and Pedagogy, she researches and teaches the deployment of critical pedagogies of care in recognizing and dismantling inequitable social structures.

education conference

Mr. Dominic Winston Kaku

Mr. Kaku holds a Master of Laws in Political Science and a Master of Philosophy in Economics Education. He is an Advanced Placement Economics Teacher at the High School Affiliated with the Renmin University of China. He previously lectured in Economics at a college in Shanghai and also worked as an Educational Research Assistant at the Centre for Educational Research Evaluation and Development of the University of Cape Coast. His research interest includes the effective teaching and learning of Economics and the use of technology in education. He is a Life Member of the Scholars Academic and Scientific Society.

Mr. Abba Kaga Lagare Abatcha

Mr. Abba Kaga Lagare Abatcha is a prominent physician with a strong commitment to the improvement of engineering education. He earned his master in computer engineering at Mostaganem university and he is actual a PhD student at
Niamey university. He also trained many CNPC-NP engineers, teaches in many universities in Niger.

education conference

Mr. Sorabh Bajaj

Mr. Sorabh Bajaj has been associated with Higher Education for more than 12 years as visiting/adjunct faculty. He has created and delivered value in the BFSI, Defense, and EdTech sectors. He has been involved in academic course development and delivery across institutions of repute and eminence. Some of the institutions he has been associated with are Northwestern University, UC San Diego, Shiv Nadar University, INSEAD, and Masters Union (India).

education conference

Mrs. Malikka Begum

Mrs. Malikka Begum is an associate research analyst in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, with 15 years of extensive experience and comprehensive background in studying how cognitive processes contribute to learning difficulties in young children, including bi-literacy development and the impact of different instructional environments on student learning outcomes. She graduated from the Nanyang Technological University in 2021 with a Masters in Educational Research.

Keynote Speaker

Associate Professor. Ulla Damber

Mid Sweden University, The Department of Education

Ulla Damber is an Associate Professor in Education. MA in Languages and Swedish Education for upper secondary school. Works as lecturer and researcher at Mid Sweden University. Areas of research: Literacy, Multilingualism, Intercultural learning environments, distance education. Recent research focused on School development and effects of projects in schools and preschools.

Presentation Topic: ”Projects and School Development – Glimpses from varying literacy projects, with… and without effects

education conference

Professor. Ronicka Mudaly

Professor. Ronicka Mudaly is an associate professor and Research Ethics Chair in the School of Education at the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. A quest for a science and mathematics education which is socially just inform her pedagogy. Her current interests include approaches from a Freirean perspective, Southern Theory, indigenizing education, environmental education, and gender studies.

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Professor. Vimolan Mudaly

Professor Vimolan Mudaly has a doctoral degree and researches generally in the field of visualisation in mathematics education. Vimolan is a full professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, in South Africa. Professor Mudaly’s work has far-reaching, significant impact on society. He was appointed to the South African Government Expert team to report on the effects of Covid-19 on Education. He has served as the lead author of the Education Chapter of the Country Report on Covid-19.

education conference

Prof. Dr. Islam Md. Hashanat

Prof. Dr. Islam Md. Hashanat, is an educationist, a writer who is dedicated to teach English and Tourism subjects. Obtained PhD from Wolverhampton University, he is working as Dean, Faculty of Arts at Royal University, Dhaka. He is an ILO Fellow, awarded with Certificate of Distinction and Global Member and Reviewer of TESOL.

education conference

Dr. Hernani D. Manalo

Dr. Hernani D. Manalo is currently the Assistant Professor in the Business Division, Dubai Women’s Campus, Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), UAE. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Business Administration, is an Academic member of the Chartered Institute of People’s Development (CIPD), and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA). He has published studies in various journals and presented papers at international research conferences in areas of education, quality practices, human resources, social sciences, entrepreneurship, etc. Also, Dr. Hernani Manalo is a recipient of 4 Best Paper Awards at various international conferences in the last 4 years.

education conference

Prof. Dr. Hari C. Kamali

Prof. Dr. Hari C. Kamali, PhD, is associate professor of English Education at Far Western University, Nepal. He has proposed ‘deconstructionist’ as the role of a teacher in postmethod pedagogy through his PhD dissertation concerning the deconstructive reading of the pedagogy of the Gita. He has presented, published, and reviewed papers at different international forums. He has also been serving as Country Delegate of Nepal for International Higher Education Teaching and Learning (HETL) Association and as Copyeditor for Journal of Comparative and International Higher Education. His research interests include deconstructive pedagogy, interspirituality, higher education and sustainable peace

education conference

Dr. Ma. Riza T. Manalo

Dr. Ma. Riza T. Manalo has a Ph.D. in Educational Management and a Master of Education in Teaching English, she is a researcher, editor, writer, trainer, educational planner, and instructional strategist. She was the former Head of the English and Mass Communication Department, Dean of the College of Education, and of the Graduate School of the University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos, Philippines. She has published studies in various journals and presented papers at international research conferences on areas of education, quality practices, human resources, social sciences, entrepreneurship, etc. Also Dr. Ma. Riza T. Manalo is a recipient of 4 Best Paper Awards at various international conferences in the last 4 years.

education conference

Prof. Dr. Berit Sandberg

Prof. Dr. Berit Sandberg has been a professor of business administration at HTW Business School, University of Applied Sciences Berlin, since 2003. Her research interest is on intersections between arts and business including art-based learning. She was awarded the university’s teaching award for her lecture on Artful Leadership.

education conference

Ass. Professor. Kaori Takamine

Ass. Professor. Kaori Takamine is an associate professor at UiT-The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø. She holds a PhD in theoretical linguistics from UiT and teaches English and Norwegian in preparatory programmes for engineering studies. Her general research interest includes theoretical linguistics, second language acquisition and language education

education conference

Mrs. Randi Bolle Eilertsen

Mrs. Randi Bolle Eilertsen graduated from Cand philol from University of Tromsø, university lecturer in Norwegian language and society for foreign students in Narvik in the north of Norway. Her area of interests are Studies in second language acquisition, interactive learning activities and peer assessment.

education conference

Mr. Mark DeBoer

Mr. Mark DeBoer is a lecturer at Akita International University, Japan, and a PhD candidate at the University of Jaén, Spain. He is co-editor of the volume Assessment and Learning in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Classrooms: Approaches and Conceptualisations (Springer). His research is in assessment in CLIL and teacher development.

Mr.Dharama Raj Awasthi

Mr. Dharama Raj Awasthi is Managing Director of Shigas Transport Company Pvt. Ltd., Nepal. Since his graduation he started his own business and social service. He has deep interest in social justice and believes that justice and peace can be achieved through promotion of interspirituality. He has visited some countries with this mission and co-presented a paper at HETL-TUDZER conference-2022 in Turkey.

education conference

Mrs.Simona Chicevič

Mrs. Simona Chicevič is an experienced teacher having worked in over 20 kindergartens across five countries in Europe. Driven by this international experience, she takes pride in providing the best education possible.
As the founder of her goals include educating parents and teachers on effective communication with children and nurturing a positive upbringing.

Mrs. Lara Chouman

Mrs. Lara Chouman is the Director of Teaching and Learning for the five Al Ittihad Private Schools in the United Arab Emirates. She is a passionate educator and wholeheartedly believes in lifelong learning and a focus on holistic education that ensures the student is at the heart of the educational process and decision-making. Lara regularly speaks in academic panels, the latest of which was the Middle East School Leadership Conference held in Dubai. For over 13 years, she has worked with students, teachers, administrators, inspection teams, and parents. Throughout those years she grew from a biology teacher to a subject leader to an instructional coach. In 2017 Lara earned a scholarship to participate in Space Camp for educators’ program that was held in the United States of America, a year later she completed her master’s degree in education. At the moment she is on a mission to support teachers in a multitude of schools to create a synergy between teaching and learning and transform students’ experiences inside the classroom.

Dr. Siphamandla Mncube

Dr. Siphamandla Mncube holds PhD in Information Systems. He is currently employed as a senior lecturer at the University of South Africa. He teaches ICTs modules in Information Science and supervises Masters and PhD students. His research interests lie in Open educational resources (OER); emerging technologies, e-learning, Appropriation of ICT, Domestication of ICT; Open sources, Open Access, Digital libraries, Open Distance Learning research, Decolonisation in e-learning and ICT4D.

Dr. Ahmed M. Hassanein

Dr. Ahmed M. Hassanein Experienced Senior Development & Evaluation Analyst with a demonstrated history of working in the energy industry. Skilled in Training & Development, and Petrochemicals. He has strong professional with a Master's Degree focused in HRM-Managerial Economics from Texas A&M University, a Certification in Design Thinking from Rochester Institute of Technology, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Education from King's College.

education conference

Keynote Speaker

PhD, Mirela Müller, Assistant Professor

University of Split, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Croatia.

Topic: The importance of visualization in literature didactic: motivational factor for the development of reading socialization?

She completed her graduate studies in pedagogy and German language and literature in 2007 at the University of Zadar (Croatia) and her postgraduate university doctoral studies in social sciences, she completed her field of pedagogy in 2013 at the University of Zagreb. She works at the Faculty of Philosophy in Split on the Department of German Language and Literature as an assistant professor in the field of interdisciplinary sciences (fields of pedagogy and interdisciplinary humanities). From March 2021. she is an external associate at the University of Graz (Franz Karl Universität). She has published seven books so far (more than 40 sciences articles) two of them independently and five co-authored. She participates in domestic and international conferences, publishes scientific papers in domestic and foreign journals:   Areas cientific interest: interdisciplinary field (pedagogy, interdisciplinary humanities), German language methodology, hybrid foreign language learning, multimedia didactics, language-pragmatic theories in intercultural language teaching.

education conference

Prof Dr. Ana M. Vernia Carrasco

Prof Dr. Ana M. Vernia Carrasco has PhD. from the University of Barcelona, Postgraduate Diploma in International Cultural Relations and the Organization of Ibero-American States, International Master in Communication and Education, Master in New Communication and Information Technologies applied to Music Education. She is President of SEM-EE (Society for Musical Education of the Spanish State) & Editor in Chief ARTSEDUCA Journal.

education conference

Dr. SZONTAGH, Pál Iván PhD.

Dr. SZONTAGH, Pál Iván PhD. Teacher (ELTE TFK, 1997), historian (PTE BTK, 2001), educational leader (BME GTK, 2002), PhD in law (KRE ÁJK, 2018). Director of the Reformed Pedagogical Institute and associate professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Károli University (KRE PK). Editor-in-chief of the pedagogical journal Hungarian Reformed Education. His field of research is the professional ethics and motivation of teachers.

education conference

Dr. Ulla Damber

Dr. Ulla Damber is an associate Professor in Education. MA in Languages and Swedish Education for upper secondary school. Dr. Ulla Damber works as lecturer and researcher at Mid Sweden University. His areas of researches are Literacy, Multilingualism, Intercultural learning environments, distance education. Recent research focused on School development and effects of projects in schools and preschools.

education conference

Dr. Michelle W.T. Cheng

Dr. Michelle W.T. Cheng is a postdoctoral fellow at the Graduate School, Education University of Hong Kong. She holds a BSocSc (psychology) and PhD (Education) from the University of Hong Kong. Her research interests lie in the area of student wellbeing and development, including learning motivation, holistic competency and residential education.

education conference

Dr. Ana Martínez Hernández

Dr. Ana Martínez Hernández in Musicology is a professor in the Music department of the universities CES Don Bosco and Centro Universitario La Salle. She teaches music education in infants and primary bachelor degrees. Her latest research topics include distance instrumental education, music gamification and social networks and music.

education conference

Dr. Lord-Watson

Dr Lord-Watson is a Senior Lecturer at Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh, Scotland. She specialises in higher education studies, primary education studies, and research interests include teacher mental health and wellbeing, children mental health and wellbeing, STEM and Arts education. Her area of interest is educational topics and her Awards or Certifications is Vanier Doctoral Scholar, SSHRC Master’s Scholar

education conference

Dr. Thi Phuong Lan Nguyen

Dr. Thi Phuong Lan Nguyen is a PhD in Education from the University of Newcastle, Australia. She has been an experienced English language lecturer and since 2001. She has conducted a series of studies on English Language Teacher Education programs for years. She is also an author of papers regarding TESOL and EAL/D as well as curriculum development.

education conference

Dr. Chun Kit Lok

Dr. Chun Kit Lok received his PhD degree in Information Systems from the Curtin University. He obtained his MSc in Information Management degree and BA (Hons) in Business Studies degree from the University of Strathclyde and the City University of Hong Kong, respectively. He has gained extensive experience in IS-related teaching and research at a number of local universities. His current research interests include Data Analytics, IS/IT Education, IS/IT User Adoption Behavior, and e-Payment System Implementation.

Prof. Dr. M. Angeles Escobar Álvarez

Prof. Dr. M. Angeles Escobar Álvarez is an Associate Professor in Linguistics (Department of Modern Languages) at the Spanish Distance University (UNED). Her current research interests revolve around Implicit/Explicit Knowledge and Linguistic Engineering. She has co-edited The Changing Face of ESP in Today’s Classroom and Workplace (Vernon Press, 2020), and Mediating Specialised Knowledge and L2 Abilities (Palgrave Macmillan, 2021)

education conference

Dr. Inbar Levkovich

Dr. Inbar Levkovich, Ph.D., is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Oranim Academic College of Education, Israel. Received her PhD from the Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, and completed her Postdoctoral at the School of Social Work, Bar-Ilan University. She published more than sixty papers in refereed journals and several chapters in edited books. Main areas of research are Stress, coping and health, grief, Covid-19 and psycho-oncology.

education conference

DR. Balamuralithara Balakrishnan

DR. Balamuralithara Balakrishnan, PhD is an Associate Professor in Sultan Idris Education University, Malaysia. He is an expert in trans-disciplinary research that amalgamating Educational Creative Studies, STEM Education and Ethics and Sustainability that have brought a new paradigm in Education – Social Sciences studies.

education conference

Dr. Oana Dănilă

Dr. Oana Dănilă is lecturer at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, from Iași, Romania, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department – Science of Education. Her doctoral thesis in Psychology was obtained at the same university, the bachelor degree is in Special Education, while the 2 master degrees are in psychotherapy. Her research interests combine threads such as attachment theory, emotional regulation, emotionally focused therapy, but as well special education teaching, the psychology and dynamics of the couple raising a disabled child, domestic violence offline and online, moral issues in education. Oana Dănilă received the John Douglas Award in 2020 for her endeavors to promote Emotionally Focused Therapy in Romania.

education conference

Dr. Shqipe Haxhihyseni

Dr. Shqipe Haxhihyseni is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education at “Aleksandër Moisiu” University Durrës, since 2019. She is a lecturer in the Master’s Degree Programs, for the subjects of ‘Curriculum Development’ and ‘Teaching methodology”, also her fields of research.
She has 20 years of prior experience in pre-university education.

Dr. Maria Dalamitrou

Dr. Maria Dalamitrou (Greece) studied English Language. She holds a MA on English Literature and Culture and a PhD on Literature (University of Essex, UK). She works as a teacher of English. Her interests include theory of literature, poetry and short stories, Arts and Education.

education conference

Dr. Ana B. Cejudo

Dr. Ana B. Cejudo is a doctor of Psychology working as a psychologist at the Counseling Psychopedagogical Services in the University of Granada. She specializes in neural and cognitive mechanisms underlying prospective memory development and academic needs. Dr. Cejudo has published in both the Journal Frontier in Psychology and PLOS ONE. She completed two doctoral fellowships in the Washington University in St. Louis (USA) and in the University of Padua (Italy).

Dr. Viorelia Lungu

Dr. Viorelia Lungu received her license in Psychology, master and PhD degree in Pedagogy from University State of Moldova. Before joining the PhD program, she worked as a teacher in elementary school from Chișinău and to the University as an assistant lecture. Research interest includes teaching quality, prospective education, policy implementation, and curriculum. More than 80 publications, including course materials, student guides, articles etc. She has presented her work nationally and internationally and published in the International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research (IJSSER), Eastern European Journal for Regional Studies, Acta Et Commentationes Sciences of Education etc.

Dr. Aleksandra Jastrzębska

Dr. Aleksandra Jastrzębska is a scientist at the Lodz University of Technology. She divides her interest into biomedical sciences and the improvement of educational practices in higher education and the TVET sector. Her actions are mostly connected with Erasmus+ projects, within which she worked on the development of project-based methods, focused on the application of green aspects to technical curricula.

Dr. Abraham Pius

Dr. Abraham Pius is an accomplished senior academic, higher education manager, a keynote speaker, mentor, and a UK certified corporate trainer. A resolute supporter of the global scholarly activity, and a senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). A follow of the Chartered Management Institute (FCMI) and a Chartered Manager (CMgr FCMI).

education conference

Mr. Adam Lee Miller

Mr. Adam Lee Miller works for the department of Global Culture and Communication at Aichi Shukutoku University, Japan. He has published 5 textbooks and has had peer-reviewed papers published in journals and books concerned with Extensive Reading, Film Studies, Gender Studies, Education, and online technology.

education conference

Ms. Tímea Takács

Ms. Tímea Takács is an Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Languages for Specific Purposes, Semmelweis University. Her Education is Master of Arts in English and in Hungarian Language and Literature with teaching qualification and Hungarian as a foreign language specialisation. Also, she is a PhD student.Her Scholarships are Comenius Teacher Assistant; Estophilus Scholarship. Her areas of Interest are ESP, Finno-Ugric languages and cultures

Mr.Andrew Warrick

Mr.Andrew Warrick has a Master of Arts degree in Sociology. He is a Lecturer in English Education at Rikkyo University in Japan. His research interests include computer-assisted language learning, willingness to communicate, and curriculum design. He has been a member of the Japan Association of Language Teaching since 2019.

Ms.Heather Woodward

Ms.Heather Woodward earned her M.S. Ed in TESOL from Temple University in 2018. Heather taught in China, Vietnam, and Japan before joining Rikkyo University, a private university located in Tokyo in 2019. Her academic interests include TBLT, CALL, and material development.

education conference

Mr. David Rosenstein

Mr. David Rosenstein was a professional teacher of English and Chinese, as well as French and Russian, for more than 40 years, including in the US, Tunisia, Taiwan, China, and Israel. He has published 4 books on EFL, including Yingyu Yufa (People’s Education Press, Beijing, 2006). His formal educations are BA (Phi Beta Kappa) Brooklyn College, MA (University of Chicago, Ph.D Program) & MS (Boston University).

Mr. Hrishikesh Inguva

Mr. Hrishikesh Inguva holds a Master of Arts in International Development, specializing in Social Justice Perspectives from the International Institute of Social Studies in the Hague. He has recently completed his coursework requirements towards Master of Education in Social Justice Education from the University of Toronto, waiting for his degree to be conferred in June. His research interests include intersectionality, decoloniality, critical race theory and qualitative research methods.

Mrs. Lena-Elene Jajanidze

Mrs. Lena-Elene Jajanidze is a PHD- student of Education Sciences and Psychology at Tbilisi State University Faculty. She has been an invited lecturer at TSU Faculty of Educational Sciences since 2016 and a program coordinator at Center for Civil Integration and inter-Ethnic Relations (CCIIR). Mrs. Jajanidze is a scholarship holder of the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation in the field of education development. Her research interests include approaches to bilingual education and multicultural teaching.

education conference

Mrs. Lena Randevåg

Mrs. Lena Randevåg, is a Master of Social Science. she had worked as a junior lecturer at Mid Sweden University since 1994. She Has been awarded the Pedagogical Prize from the University Student Union. She is currently interested in and guiding several collaboration projects with local communities concerning school improvement.

Mr. Mormah Ifeanyi Gift

Mr. Mormah Ifeanyi Gift is a final year student at Edo State University, Uzairue (EDSU), Nigeria where he trains purely, in the art and science of providing holistic health care . He believes that education is the pivot of any meaningful political, socio-economic and overall well being of countries and nations and so, must be thorough and effective particularly in the nursing profession.
Ifeanyi once worked as a basic computer science instructor in BOHC Academy and is presently a candidate of RN certification and PHN. He hopes to impact lives through the nursing profession.

MSC. Mimoza Kamberi

MSC. Mimoza Kamberi is Phd student at the Faculty of Education, University of Prishtina. She is an academic staff at AAB College in position of lecturer for courses educational psychology and learning theories. Her major research interest relates to academic motivation and achievements among students.

Ms. Nicole Kasbary

Ms. Nicole Kasbary is from Palestine, she is a third-year PhD student at Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary. She is interested in art-based methods, project-based learning in education, and implementing the arts in STEM education.

Mrs. Soyol Lundegjantsan

Mrs. Soyol Lundegjantsan has been involved with studies related to chinese culture, language and educational policy since joining the National University of Mongolia. Meanwhile, Soyol Lundegjantsan has been enrolled at the Department of Education, National Chengchi University as a doctoral student in 2018. Since 2010 Soyol worked as a lecturer at Department of Asian Study

Mr. Kahlan Roach

MSC. Mimoza Kamberi is Phd student at the Faculty of Education, University of Prishtina. She is an academic staff at AAB College in position of lecturer for courses educational psychology and learning theories. Her major research interest relates to academic motivation and achievements among students.

Mr. Adrian Estrela Pereira

Mr. Adrian Estrela Pereira is a music producer with a bachelor degree in Composition and Arrangement for Popular Music and a master degree in Music Education, both at the Federal University of Bahia. Currently, Adrian investigates Power Relations in Higher Education Music Courses as a PhD student at Eötvös Loránd University.