Assessment of Academic Performance in Free to Select Anime Avatar Educational Video for Ray Tracing Programming Class
Proceedings of The World Conference on Research in Teaching and Education
Year: 2019
Assessment of Academic Performance in Free to Select Anime Avatar Educational Video for Ray Tracing Programming Class
Rex Hsieh, Kosei Yamamura, Satoshi Cho, Hisashi Sato
This project is a 11-week anime avatar based e Learning programming program that took place from September 2019 to February 2020. It serves as the 2nd step of vTuber based e Learning programming program where researchers used the survey results and academic performances from the spring semester’s e Learning program as basis and made refinement upon it in an effort to provide better avatar based e Learning contents to students. In the previous program, students are organised into groups and assigned to 1 or 2 of 6 videos composed of 1 of 3 visuals: male styled avatar (A), female styled avatar (B), or original lecturer avatar (O) and 1 of 2 audios: original audio (O) or transformed audio (T). In this semester, transformed voice (T) is dropped after finding out they offered no benefits to students’ motivation or grade performance. Furthermore, students are now free to choose from the 3 avatars offered instead of being assigned to specific videos for the entire semester. Lastly, weekly videos now encompass multiple subjects with clearly labelled titles to allow students watch the content most beneficial to them. The research team believed the increase in avatar type and subject choice will make students more motivated when viewing the contents. Currently this program is in its 7th week and at the moment, the research team has found that students enjoyed the audios much more, as compared with the previous semester. Students are also observed to be selecting videos according to their needs.
Keywords:e Learning, Avatar, User Experience.
Rex Hsieh
Kanagawa Institute of Technology
Kosei Yamamura
Kanagawa Institute of Technology
Satoshi Cho
Kanagawa Institute of Technology
Hisashi Sato
Kanagawa Institute of Technology